Table of contents


What is PsExec?

The original PsExec1 is an administrative tool used to execute commands interactively on remote systems over Server Message Block (SMB)2 protocol. The author of this tool, Mark Russinovich, describes its inner workings in his article3 as follows:

PsExec starts an executable on a remote system and controls the input and output streams of the executable’s process so that you can interact with the executable from the local system. PsExec does so by extracting from its executable image an embedded Windows service named Psexesvc and copying it to the Admin$ share of the remote system. PsExec then uses the Windows Service Control Manager API, which has a remote interface, to start the Psexesvc service on the remote system.

The Psexesvc service creates a named pipe, psexecsvc, to which PsExec connects and sends commands that tell the service on the remote system which executable to launch and which options you’ve specified. If you specify the -d (don’t wait) switch, the service exits after starting the executable; otherwise, the service waits for the executable to terminate, then sends the exit code back to PsExec for it to print on the local console.

Why PsExec?

PsExec is widely used because it provides an easy way to interact with other hosts using compromised accounts within a domain. As it’s also used for legitimate purposes, malicious activity can blend into administrative activity and remain stealthy.

Moreover, PsExec enables the following essential techniques4 for an adversary:

Domain ID Sub-technique ID Name Use
Enterprise T1570   Lateral Tool Transfer PsExec can be used to download or upload a file over a network share.
Enterprise T1021 .002 Remote Services: SMB/Windows Admin Shares PsExec, a tool that has been used by adversaries, writes programs to the ADMIN$ network share to execute commands on remote systems.
Enterprise T1569 .002 System Services: Service Execution Microsoft Sysinternals PsExec is a popular administration tool that can be used to execute binaries on remote systems using a temporary Windows service.

Lab environment

DetectionLab5 project was used for purpose of this research.

Attack technique simulation

It is crucial to understand how an attack works to be able to defend against it. Simulation helps with that, as well as with providing test data for detection rules.

Impacket6 and Metasploit7 are, among other tools, widely used to execute malicious commands/payloads and move laterally using PsExec-like modules.


Impacket’s requires its user to only specify target in [[domain/]username[:password]@]<targetName or address> format. If no command is provided, cmd.exe is executed by default. An attacker can choose different authentication options, as well as customize the service name that gets created on the targeted host, and the name of the uploaded executable.


Running with minimum required options:


The tool requests password for the specified user, uploads a service binary tGZQiyrm.exe to a writable share ADMIN$, registers a service xHdi using SVCManager (services.exe), starts it, and pops up an interactive command line interface (CLI). After exiting the CLI, a cleanup is performed to cover tracks.

If a command is specified, no CLI is spawned, and the process exits right after the command is executed:


It’s worth noting, from the defender perspective, that the names differ between executions. In this case, the service name was gmay and the uploaded binary was named FFXfbCog.exe.


The module that is used for PsExec within Metasploit is exploit/windows/smb/psexec. It enables more customized attacks compared to Impacket:


The above are just basic options, the advanced ones allow to set e.g. name of the service binary, modify executable template etc. A truncated list of the advanced options:


This module also allows specifying different targets:


By default, the target is Automatic, which basically means that the exploit will look for PowerShell on the targeted host. If found, PowerShell payload will be executed. Otherwise, the script will fall back to Native upload option and upload a service binary8. For purpose of this post, Native upload target will be used so that it’s easier to compare the tools.


After setting the options, as seen in the above screenshot, let’s simulate the attack:


Running the exploit again with the same options to generate more events to work with:


Similarly as with Impacket, names related to the service registration differ between executions and seem to be randomly generated (RFUurKqb.exe and MpgzJsoj.exe).


Having generated test data, let’s try to develop some ways to separate malicious from benign, that is detection signatures.

There are two Windows event types that are crucial to detect malicious PsExec-like attack techniques: 46979 (Security) and 704510 (System). Their role is to audit service registration events which is exactly what is done after uploading a binary over SMB. Let’s take a look how these events look like in Splunk11 for different tools.

4697 and 7045 event logs

  • Impacket
    • first execution
      • event 4697 impacket-4697-1 Service_Name: xHdi Service_File_Name: %systemroot%\tGZQiyrm.exe
      • event 7045 impacket-7045-1 Service_Name: xHdi Service_File_Name: %systemroot%\tGZQiyrm.exe
    • second execution
      • event 4697 impacket-4697-2 Service_Name: gmay Service_File_Name: %systemroot%\FFXfbCog.exe
      • event 7045: impacket-7045-2 Service_Name: gmay Service_File_Name: %systemroot%\FFXfbCog.exe
  • Metasploit
    • first execution
      • event 4697 metasploit-4697-1

        Service_Name: bfVuJGJA Service_File_Name: %systemroot%\RFUurKqb.exe

      • event 7045 metasploit-7045-1

        Service_Name: VSnpAJPNgBjSgSpH Service_File_Name: %systemroot%\RFUurKqb.exe

    • second execution
      • event 4697 metasploit-4697-2

        Service_Name: NFBBTUfu Service_File_Name: %systemroot%\MpgzJsoj.exe

      • event 7045 metasploit-7045-2

        Service_Name: rTIPjCFPRuWWbvcW Service_File_Name: %systemroot%\MpgzJsoj.exe

Combined 4697 and 7045 events show some patterns:

_time ComputerName EventCode Service_Name Service_File_Name
2021-01-29 21:40:41 dc.windomain.local 4697 xHdi %systemroot%\tGZQiyrm.exe
2021-01-29 21:40:41 dc.windomain.local 7045 xHdi %systemroot%\tGZQiyrm.exe
2021-01-29 21:54:35 dc.windomain.local 4697 gmay %systemroot%\FFXfbCog.exe
2021-01-29 21:54:35 dc.windomain.local 7045 gmay %systemroot%\FFXfbCog.exe
2021-01-31 12:21:26 dc.windomain.local 4697 bfVuJGJA %SYSTEMROOT%\RFUurKqb.exe
2021-01-31 12:21:26 dc.windomain.local 7045 VSnpAJPNgBjSgSpH %SYSTEMROOT%\RFUurKqb.exe
2021-01-31 12:24:29 dc.windomain.local 4697 NFBBTUfu %SYSTEMROOT%\MpgzJsoj.exe
2021-01-31 12:24:29 dc.windomain.local 7045 rTIPjCFPRuWWbvcW %SYSTEMROOT%\MpgzJsoj.exe

The above table allows to craft the following statements/hypotheses:

  1. Uploaded binary names start with %systemroot%\ for Impacket or %SYSTEMROOT%\ for Metasploit string continued with 8 random upper- and lowercase letters and .exe string.
  2. Service names for Impacket executions consist of 4 random upper- and lowercase letters.
  3. Service names for Metasploit executions consist of 8 random upper- and lowercase letters for 4697 security event.
  4. Service names for Metasploit executions consist of 16 random upper- and lowercase letters for 7045 system event.
  5. Service names for Metasploit are different between 4697 and 7045 events.

Statement 5 seems a little odd as both field names in logged events 4697 and 7045 are called Service Name, yet still they do differ. To find out why, the Metasploit windows/smb/psexec module was executed again with the following options:


It turns out that Windows event 4697 does show service name, while 7045 contains service display name instead:



This explains the difference between 4697 and 7045 service names for a single execution.

To confirm the first statement, let’s look into the source code:

  • Impacket

    • ServiceInstall class is instantiated12 within code

      installService = serviceinstall.ServiceInstall(rpctransport.get_smb_connection(), remcomsvc.RemComSvc(), self.__serviceName, self.__remoteBinaryName)
    • this instance is then used to call install() method13

      if installService.install() is False:
    • within install() method, copy_file(...) is called 14

      def install(self):
              ### truncated for visibility ###
                      # Let's get the shares
                      shares = self.getShares()
                      self.share = self.findWritableShare(shares)
                      if self.share is None:
                          return False
                      self.copy_file(self.__exeFile ,self.share,self.__binary_service_name)
                      fileCopied = True
                      svcManager = self.openSvcManager()
       ### ... ###
    • copy_file(...) is called using multiple parameters, one of which is self.__binary_service_name defined15 in the class constructor:

      if binary_service_name is None:
          self.__binary_service_name = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(8)]) + '.exe'
          self.__binary_service_name = binary_service_name
  • Metasploit

    • when target is set to Native upload, native_upload_with_workaround(...) method is called16

      when 'Native upload'
    • the method is defined17 as follows

      def native_upload_with_workaround(smbshare)
          service_filename = datastore['SERVICE_FILENAME'] || "#{rand_text_alpha(8)}.exe" # random 8 character long string
          service_encoder = datastore['SERVICE_STUB_ENCODER'] || ''
          # Avoid implementing NTLMSSP on Windows XP
          if smb_peer_os == "Windows 5.1"
            connect(versions: [1])
          native_upload(smbshare, service_filename, service_encoder)

This proves the hypothesis number 1 - service file names are randomly generated 8 character long strings for both Impacket and Metasploit. Further analysis of code can prove statements 2, 3, and 4:

  1. Impacket service name defined18 in previously analyzed ServiceInstall class constructor

    self.__service_name = serviceName if len(serviceName) > 0  else  ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(4)])

    The above code sets service name to randomly generated 4 characters long string, unless specified by attacker user using -service-name flag.

  2. Metasploit service name is generated using service_name() method19:

     def service_name
       @service_name ||= datastore['SERVICE_NAME']
       @service_name ||= Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(8)

    The above code sets service name to randomly generated 8 characters long string, unless specified by the attacker using SERVICE_NAME option.

  3. As discovered previously, service name field in 7045 event actually holds value of Service Display Name. Service display name is set within Metasploit similarly to service name, only it utilizes SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME option:

    def display_name
      @display_name ||= datastore['SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME']
      @display_name ||= Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(16)

    The above code sets service name to randomly generated 16 characters long string, unless specified by the attacker using SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME option.

Splunk query

The above analysis allows to craft the following Splunk query:

index=wineventlog source IN("WinEventLog:Security","WinEventLog:System") EventCode IN(4697,7045) 
| regex Service_File_Name="^.*\\\\[a-zA-Z]{8}\.exe$" 
| regex Service_Name="^([a-zA-Z]{4}|[a-zA-Z]{8}|[a-zA-Z]{16})$"
| table _time,ComputerName,EventCode,Service_Name,Service_File_Name
| sort _time

Result for the query contains both 4697 and 7045 logs for simulations that were run during this exercise:

_time ComputerName EventCode Service_Name Service_File_Name
2021-01-29 16:26:20 dc.windomain.local 4697 MkswbDsz %SYSTEMROOT%\eQfEPBOB.exe
2021-01-29 16:26:20 dc.windomain.local 7045 LZPINMDZoyRfOWuu %SYSTEMROOT%\eQfEPBOB.exe
2021-01-29 17:27:45 dc.windomain.local 4697 RNFcSGyb %SYSTEMROOT%\ihNUhHUE.exe
2021-01-29 17:27:45 dc.windomain.local 7045 wrEXrQTfTXUePAxe %SYSTEMROOT%\ihNUhHUE.exe
2021-01-29 17:33:38 dc.windomain.local 4697 NKzXLNba %SYSTEMROOT%\LVkOLqXS.exe
2021-01-29 17:33:38 dc.windomain.local 7045 dUrGwmqAjqVdyeMH %SYSTEMROOT%\LVkOLqXS.exe
2021-01-29 21:39:51 dc.windomain.local 4697 wXAw %systemroot%\AWowqZdO.exe
2021-01-29 21:39:51 dc.windomain.local 7045 wXAw %systemroot%\AWowqZdO.exe
2021-01-29 21:40:41 dc.windomain.local 4697 xHdi %systemroot%\tGZQiyrm.exe
2021-01-29 21:40:41 dc.windomain.local 7045 xHdi %systemroot%\tGZQiyrm.exe
2021-01-29 21:54:21 dc.windomain.local 4697 cxlt %systemroot%\xFObZUFV.exe
2021-01-29 21:54:21 dc.windomain.local 7045 cxlt %systemroot%\xFObZUFV.exe
2021-01-29 21:54:35 dc.windomain.local 4697 gmay %systemroot%\FFXfbCog.exe
2021-01-29 21:54:35 dc.windomain.local 7045 gmay %systemroot%\FFXfbCog.exe
2021-01-31 12:21:26 dc.windomain.local 4697 bfVuJGJA %SYSTEMROOT%\RFUurKqb.exe
2021-01-31 12:21:26 dc.windomain.local 7045 VSnpAJPNgBjSgSpH %SYSTEMROOT%\RFUurKqb.exe
2021-01-31 12:24:29 dc.windomain.local 4697 NFBBTUfu %SYSTEMROOT%\MpgzJsoj.exe
2021-01-31 12:24:29 dc.windomain.local 7045 rTIPjCFPRuWWbvcW %SYSTEMROOT%\MpgzJsoj.exe

It is worth noting that the above query may return results for legitimate administrative executions of PSEXESVC as it also matches the regex pattern ^([a-zA-Z]{4}|[a-zA-Z]{8}|[a-zA-Z]{16})$. One may consider excluding it from the results by adding Service_Name!="PSEXESVC" in case of high false positives volume.

The SPL query crafted above can be easily translated into a Sigma rule20 and merged into the official repository by creating a pull request21.

Process creation event logs

Other Windows security logs that can help with detection of Impacket and Metasploit PsExec activity are 4688: A new process has been created logs22. They allow an analyst to investigate process chain during payload execution.

Impacket 4688 logs

time ComputerName New_Process_Name Process_Command_Line New_Process_ID Creator_Process_ID
2021-01-29 16:09:09 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\System32\smss.exe   0x108 0x4
2021-01-29 16:09:14 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\System32\smss.exe   0x15c 0x108
2021-01-29 16:09:14 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\System32\wininit.exe   0x1b0 0x15c
2021-01-29 16:09:15 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\System32\services.exe   0x214 0x1b0
2021-01-29 21:40:41 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\tGZQiyrm.exe C:\windows\tGZQiyrm.exe 0xba0 0x214
2021-01-29 21:40:41 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe cmd.exe 0x95c 0xba0
2021-01-29 21:40:43 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\SysWOW64\whoami.exe whoami 0x37c 0x95c

When using Impacket, services.exe spawns a malicious process C:\Windows\tGZQiyrm.exe which then spawns cmd.exe that an attacker interacts with.

Impacket Splunk query

An SPL query that can be used to find Impacket executions:

index=wineventlog EventCode=4688 source="WinEventLog:Security" Creator_Process_Name="C:\\Windows\\System32\\services.exe" 
| regex New_Process_Name="^C:\\\\Windows\\\\[a-zA-Z]{8}\.exe$"
| table _time,EventCode,ComputerName,New_Process_Name,Creator_Process_Name
| sort _time


_time EventCode ComputerName New_Process_Name Creator_Process_Name
2021-01-29 16:26:20 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\eQfEPBOB.exe C:\Windows\System32\services.exe
2021-01-29 17:27:45 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\ihNUhHUE.exe C:\Windows\System32\services.exe
2021-01-29 17:33:38 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\LVkOLqXS.exe C:\Windows\System32\services.exe
2021-01-29 21:39:51 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\AWowqZdO.exe C:\Windows\System32\services.exe
2021-01-29 21:40:41 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\tGZQiyrm.exe C:\Windows\System32\services.exe
2021-01-29 21:54:21 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\xFObZUFV.exe C:\Windows\System32\services.exe
2021-01-29 21:54:36 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\FFXfbCog.exe C:\Windows\System32\services.exe
2021-01-31 12:21:26 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\RFUurKqb.exe C:\Windows\System32\services.exe
2021-01-31 12:24:29 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\MpgzJsoj.exe C:\Windows\System32\services.exe

Note: A Sigma rule could be created for this kind of detection but it would not be the most efficient one. A regular expression for process creation events can be exhausting for a SIEM23 as they keep high volume of such logs. Organizations that don’t have 4697 and 7045 logs can implement such last resort rule though.

Attentive readers probably observed that the above table also contains executions related to Metasploit. Anyway, let’s see how process chain looks like for that tool.

Metasploit 4688 logs

A table this short should be enough to see a red flag that can be used for detection:

time ComputerName New_Process_Name Process_Command_Line New_Process_ID Creator_Process_ID
2021-01-31 10:44:09 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\System32\services.exe   0x218 0x1a8
2021-01-31 12:21:26 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\RFUurKqb.exe C:\windows\RFUurKqb.exe 0xd08 0x218
2021-01-31 12:21:26 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe rundll32.exe 0x22c 0xd08

Spoiler alert - running C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe without any arguments is very anomalous.

Metasploit Splunk query

Let’s see results for such Splunk query:

index=wineventlog EventCode=4688 source="WinEventLog:Security" Process_Command_Line="rundll32.exe"
| table _time,EventCode,ComputerName,New_Process_Name,Creator_Process_Name
| sort _time


_time EventCode ComputerName New_Process_Name Creator_Process_Name
2021-01-29 16:26:20 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe C:\Windows\eQfEPBOB.exe
2021-01-29 17:27:45 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe C:\Windows\ihNUhHUE.exe
2021-01-29 17:33:38 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe C:\Windows\LVkOLqXS.exe
2021-01-31 12:21:26 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe C:\Windows\RFUurKqb.exe
2021-01-31 12:24:29 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe C:\Windows\MpgzJsoj.exe
2021-01-31 13:24:33 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe
2021-01-31 13:24:34 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe
2021-01-31 16:19:34 4688 dc.windomain.local C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe C:\Windows\service_filename

The above search is a good base for another high fidelity Sigma rule24.


Tools and techniques utilizing PsExec-like behavior can be convenient for adversaries. However, if used incorrectly, they can be detected easily with various Windows system and security event logs. Unless the attackers don’t care about remaining stealthy, it is crucial for them to customize payloads and tool settings. Defenders, on the other hand, shouldn’t rely on signatures or service (file) names only but also seek context using different kind of available logs. Otherwise, advanced threats will slip through their fingers.


Appendix A: PsExec Sigma rule

title: Metasploit Or Impacket Service Installation Via SMB PsExec
id: 1a17ce75-ff0d-4f02-9709-2b7bb5618cf0
description: Detects usage of Metasploit SMB PsExec (exploit/windows/smb/psexec) and Impacket by triggering on specific service installation
author: Bartlomiej Czyz, Relativity
date: 2021/01/21
action: global
    - attack.lateral_movement
    - attack.t1021.002
    - attack.t1570
    - attack.execution
    - attack.t1569.002
        ServiceFileName|re: '^.*\\[a-zA-Z]{8}\.exe$'
        ServiceName|re: '(^[a-zA-Z]{4}$)|(^[a-zA-Z]{8}$)|(^[a-zA-Z]{16}$)'
    # optional filter for PSEXESVC
        #ServiceName: 'PSEXESVC'
    condition: selection and selection_1 #and not filter
    - ComputerName
    - SubjectDomainName
    - SubjectUserName
    - ServiceName
    - ServiceFileName
    - Highly unlikely
level: critical
    product: windows
    service: system
        EventID: 7045
     product: windows
     service: security
         EventID: 4697

Appendix B: “Rundll32 without parameters” Sigma rule

title: Rundll32 Without Parameters
id: 5bb68627-3198-40ca-b458-49f973db8752
status: experimental
description: Detects rundll32 execution without parameters as observed when running Metasploit windows/smb/psexec exploit module
author: Bartlomiej Czyz, Relativity
date: 2021/01/31
    - attack.lateral_movement
    - attack.t1021.002
    - attack.t1570
    - attack.execution
    - attack.t1569.002
    category: process_creation
    product: windows
        CommandLine: 'rundll32.exe'
    condition: selection
    - ComputerName
    - SubjectUserName
    - CommandLine
    - Image
    - ParentImage
    - Unknown
level: high
























